About Me

massage ergonomics health wellness
massage ergonomics health wellness

Hi my name is Heidi. I am a professional health, wellness, and ergonomic therapist. I work with both corporate and individual clients.

As a postural, musculoskeletal wellness specialist, I focus on corporate and home office desk setups.

Education on better postural awareness and ergonomics, at home and in the workplace, is vital for one’s spinal and muscular health.

As an Ergonomic Risk Assessor, solutions are provided when at your desk or on your laptop and other gadgets such as ipads, cel phones etc. My approach is holistic. I integrate my extensive training and studies in order to provide clients with easy, sustainable and preventative new postural work-related habits.

As I have built up strong relationships with my clients over the years, I enjoy long and rewarding associations with them.

Ergonomics in the workplace

As a qualified advanced sports/trigger point therapist, I specialise in the prevention and healing of neck, back, spine, hip, wrist, shoulder, and other injuries. I am always aiming to bring alignment to my clients’ bodies with methods that reduce inflammatory neural-muscular pain and discomfort. 

A notable concerning trend over the past decade, of desk related jobs and laptop use, is general exasperated upper limb disorders.

Thus I naturally shifted my focus as a musculoskeletal therapist to postural awareness and ergonomic improvement for employees at home and in the workplace. This leads to more efficiency, higher levels of morale amongst employees, and in the long term better levels of productivity.

Correct ergonomic design, and small changes in the approach one adopts, can lead to significant improvements in one’s work performance.

In general, absenteeism & leaving work early, due to headaches, fatigue, stress, neck/shoulder aches, and other conditions caused by incorrect ergonomics, is greatly reduced.

Corporates are starting to pay attention and becoming aware that employees are happier and more productive when they are comfortable.

Corporate wellness is an evolving science. I spend time ensuring that I am up to date with the latest global practices and insights. Should you have any questions please contact me.